Mid-Shore Pro Bono Grantee Spotlight

- 2020 Award Amount: $15,000
Sandy Brown
Executive Director
Mid-Shore Pro Bono
8 South West Street
Easton, MD 21601
Office: 410-690-8128, ext. 313
Email: sabrown@midshoreprobon.org
Website: midshoreprobono.org
Michele Devine
Deputy Director
Email: mdevine@midshoreprobono.org
The Child Advocacy Program was established to address the dramatic increase in requests for legal assistance for families with children impacted by the opioid crisis. The program provides “Kinship Care” to caregivers, such as grandparents, other relatives or neighbors who are seeking legal custody of a minor child whose parents are unable to care for them as a result of opioid addiction. Without legal custody, caregivers may be prevented from providing healthcare and education for the children. Having legal custody is required to obtain mental health treatment, school enrollment, and permission to participate in school activities such as field trips and extracurricular activities. Mid-Shore Pro Bono provides free direct legal representation for caregivers seeking third party custody of children impacted by the opioid crises.