Our mission is to be here for you, providing you with the solutions you need.

Toll Free: 800.999.3362
Fax: 410.822.7971
Email: info@Qlarant.com

Qlarant Corporate Headquarters:
28464 Marlboro Avenue
Easton, Maryland 21601-2732

What solutions can Qlarant provide for you?

    (Check all that apply)
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more contact options

Programs for Persons with Intellectual, Developmental and Other Disabilities
External Quality Review
Utilization Management

Chief Operating Officer, Quality Solutions
Robert J. Foley

Quality Innovations Network/Quality Improvement Organization (QIN/QIO)
Charlotte Gjerloev, BSN, RN
Project Director

Baltimore, MD 
2605 Lord Baltimore Dr., Suite E
Baltimore, MD 21244
map & directions

Los Alamitos, CA 
4426 Cerritos Ave.
Los Alamitos, CA 90720
map & directions

Dallas, TX 
14643 Dallas Parkway
Dallas, Texas 75254
map & directions

Easton, MD
28464 Marlboro Avenue
Easton, Maryland 21601-2732
map & directions

Tallahassee, FL 
2039 Centre Pointe Blvd.
Suite 202
Tallahassee, Florida 32308
map & directions

Tampa, FL 
14025 Riveredge Dr.
Suite 150
Tampa, Florida 33637
map & directions


Note: If you do not want your e-mail address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this entity by phone or in writing.

Accessibility Statement

We want everyone who visits the Qlarant website to feel welcome and find the experience rewarding. Qlarant.com is best experienced in Google Chrome web browser and using NVDA screen reader.

To help make the Qlarant website a positive place for everyone, we have ensured that all pages pass an accessibility screening using the WAVE web accessibility evaluation tool developed by WebAIM.org.

We monitor the website regularly to maintain this, but if you do find any problems, please use the contact form and select ‘accessibility’ as the reason for contacting Qlarant.


External Data Analysis Request for Information (RFI) (pdf)

Request for Assistance Form (RFA) (pdf)

UPIC Southwest

Request for Assistance Form

External Data Analysis Request for Information (RFI)


Data Analysis Request For Information (RFI) Form (pdf)

Request For Assistance (RFA) Form (pdf)

Plan sponsors and Pharmacy Benefit Managers, PBMs, will begin submitting Complaints to the I-MEDIC via a new portal in the Health Plan Management System, HPMS, beginning January 1, 2022. 

 Fields matching the I-MEDIC Complaints form will be completed in the FWA section of the new portal.  Your additional documents will be able to be uploaded with the Complaint submission in HPMS. 

 Any questions about the new process can be answered at PIPortalPartsCD_FWAReporting@cms.hhs.gov.  If you have never used HPMS previously, please contact hpms_access@cms.hhs.gov.

I-MEDIC Complaint Form (pdf)

Compromised ID Report Form (pdf)

Qlarant Foundation

Grant Application Form (docx) (Available October 2021)

Progress Report Form (2021-2022) (docx)