Laura Benzel, MS, BS, CSSGB

Project Manager

Ms. Benzel has 15 years of experience in the healthcare arena. Ms. Benzel is a Project Manager at Qlarant and supports the IPRO Quality Innovation Network – Quality Improvement Organization (QIN-QIO) as a health equity subject matter expert across 11 states (NY, NJ, OH, MD, DE, and the 6 New England states) and the District of Columbia. Since 2016, Ms. Benzel has served as an advisor, consultant and subcontractor to NORC @ University of Chicago for a healthcare disparities national quality improvement initiative for the CMS Office of Minority Health.

Prior to this, Ms. Benzel was the project manager for the CMS program “Everyone with Diabetes Counts”, a community-based initiative that delivered evidence-based diabetes self-management education to underserved Medicare and dually-eligible beneficiaries in the District of Columbia.  She also served as the Associate Director of the CMS Disparities National Coordinating Center, a national initiative to reduce disparities in healthcare for underserved Medicare and dually-eligible beneficiaries through the CMS Quality Improvement Organization program in the 10th Scope of Work.