Talbot Interfaith Shelter Grantee Spotlight

- 2021 Award Amount: $20,000
Julie Lowe
Executive Director
107 Goldsborough Street
P.O. Box 2004
Easton, MD 21601
Phone: 410.310.2316
Email: julielowe@talbotinterfaithshelter.org
Website: https://talbotinterfaithshelter.org/
Talbot Interfaith Shelter’s S4 Program (Shelter-Stability-Support-Success) provides temporary shelter, case management, educational programming, relapse prevention support, and access to mental health services and grief counseling to people facing homelessness on Maryland’s Mid-Shore. With the opening of a second shelter facility, approximately 70 individuals and family members, ranging in age from newborn to early seventies, will benefit from the services of the S4 Program.