The House DC Grantee Spotlight

- 2021 Award Amount: $30,000
La Wonda Bornstein
President & CEO
Physical Address:
The House DC
1610 17th Street, S.E.
Washington, DC 20020
Mailing Address:
The House DC
PO Box 30958,
Washington, DC 20030
Phone: 202.610.3100, ext. 106
The House DC is a neighborhood center that provides high school students with a safe place to meet after school to participate in enriching activities. Operating since 1999, the mission of The House DC is to provide an opportunity for inner city youth and their families to connect to Christ through creative programs that meet both physical and spiritual needs. Its vision is to transform and empower the lives of inner-city youth and their families by giving them hope, a productive future and a changed community.
Qlarant Foundation’s grant is for the on-line Community Wellness Program. The focus of this program is on health; making sure people are healthy and COVID free, that there is heat and enough food in the home, and that students are doing their homework and attending school.