WGP Warriors Against Addiction Grantee Spotlight

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2024 Award Amount: $5,000
  • 2023 Award Amount: $35,000
  • 2022 Award Amount: $25,000

Deborah A. Smullen

WGP Warriors Against Addiction
P.O. Box 593
Berlin, MD 21811

Phone: 443.870.5161
Email: Wgpwarriors2021@gmail.com
Website: https://worcestergoespurple.net/


Providing Health Care for the Uninsured

WGP Warriors Against Addiction provides education, awareness, support and navigation of resources to those who have been impacted by addiction. Qlarant Foundation supports Answered Prayers which fills the basic needs for some of our most vulnerable population.

There are many programs that focus on one specific need or service, Answered Prayers fills the gaps for needs that don’t always fit into a specific category but are necessary for those who suffer from addiction, mental health, and homelessness.